Academic Policies and Procedures

Students must notify the University of any change in their addresses or phone numbers. Such changes may be made through the online student center, or a notification to the Office of the University Registrar from the student’s Chapman email address.

Attendance Policy

Class attendance policies are determined by each instructor, consistent with applicable University policy, and are included in the course syllabus distributed at the beginning of each term. The University recommends as a minimal policy that students who are absent 20 percent of the course should be failed unless extenuating circumstances apply such as reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Students who do not attend the first class session of a course in which they are registered may be administratively dropped unless they make arrangements with the instructor and obtain their approval prior to the first class session.


Students must meet the degree requirements (including General Education and major) of the catalog under which they matriculated or may select a later catalog for a year in which they are enrolled.

Other than the degree requirements and limitation of credit, students must adhere to the academic requirements, policies and procedures in place in the current catalog. Such requirements include but are not limited to course prerequisites, minimum grades for transfer work, academic probation and suspension requirements.

Information regarding any changes in degree programs, graduation requirements or academic policies will be made available by the Office of the University Registrar and the appropriate academic departments.

Class Level

Students are assigned class levels depending on the number of credits earned.

Final Exams

All final exams must be taken in accordance with the final exam schedule posted on the Office of the University Registrar website and the online student center.

Students are expected to attend their final exam as scheduled, and arrangements may not be made to accommodate a student’s travel preferences. Students should check their final exam schedule, available in their online student center, prior to scheduling travel at the end of a semester or term.

Students scheduled for three or more final exams on one day may ask the instructors of the courses with final exams scheduled in the middle of the day to provide an alternative date and time that also occurs during final exams week. These requests should be made two or more weeks before the last day of class. Faculty are strongly encouraged to accommodate these students.

Full- and Part-Time Students

A full-time undergraduate degree-seeking student is one who carries a minimum of 12 credits per semester. A part-time undergraduate degree-seeking student is one who carries fewer than 12 credits per semester. During interterm, a student carrying a minimum of three credits is considered a full-time student.

Integrated Undergraduate/Graduate Programs

An integrated program combines both undergraduate and graduate education by allowing the undergraduate student to be conditionally admitted into the graduate program while still completing all undergraduate degree requirements. The application process, prerequisites, GPA and graduate program requirements are as specified for each graduate program. Students will receive conditional admission to the graduate program, pending completion of their bachelor’s degree, as stipulated in the graduate catalog.

While still enrolled as undergraduates, students may take and share up to 15 credits, although some programs may permit less than 15 credits (please consult the degree section of the catalog for specific program permissions for the number of credits that can be taken and can be shared). Undergraduate students are required to have a minimum 3.000 GPA to enroll in graduate level courses. Undergraduate students must have either already earned 90 credits or be enrolled in and anticipate having earned 90 credits earned before the first day of the graduate course(s) in which they wish to enroll. Students must get permission from the instructor of the course and the chair of the department, academic unit head, or program director of the academic program unit offering the course. These signature approvals must be provided on the Undergraduate Request to Register for Graduate Course form, which is available on the University Registrar’s Forms page.

Graduate courses shared with undergraduate degree requirements will only appear on the undergraduate transcript.

Students complete the remaining credit hours of graduate coursework beginning the semester after receiving the undergraduate degree. At minimum, 15 credits must be earned at the graduate, post-baccalaureate level. The minimum number of combined undergraduate and graduate credits required for any integrated bachelor’s/master’s program is 135 total credits.

Interrupted Enrollment and Readmission

Permit-to-Register Students

Permit-to-register students are not seeking a degree or credential but are allowed to take courses during the semester. Undergraduate permit students may take no more than 9 credits per semester. If they are admitted to a program a maximum of 27 credits may count towards degree requirements. Permit-to-register students wishing to audit courses should refer to “course audit” section below for policies and deadlines.

Classroom Behavior

Faculty Rights and Procedures Concerning Student Classroom Behavior

Faculty members are responsible for ensuring an effective learning environment for all students in their classes, which encourages active student participation, including the right to raise questions and challenge information. Hence, faculty members also have the responsibility and authority to maintain appropriate student behavior. Classes are defined as including laboratories, internships, field placements or any settings that can be designated as a learning environment, such as travel studies and field trips.

Consequently, if a faculty member believes a student is engaging in threatening or disruptive behavior in the classroom, behaving in a way that interferes with the learning of other students, or is refusing to fulfill the academic requirements of the course, the faculty member has the right to have this student removed from the class on an interim basis. The faculty member should immediately report the matter to the appropriate dean and department chair or academic unit head. The faculty member may also request the assistance of the dean of students to provide advice or to mediate the dispute.

If the faculty member believes the student should be removed from the class for the remainder of the term, the faculty member should file a report with the dean of students and an expedited investigation will be conducted to determine whether the student’s behavior has violated the Disruption policy or other policy contained in the Student Conduct Code. If the student is charged with a violation, the hearing process will be expedited as well. The student may not return to class until the disciplinary process outlined in the Student Conduct Code is complete. In some instances, arrangements can be made for the student to complete the course requirements in absentia. A student may submit an appeal as outlined in the Student Conduct Code. Appeals will receive an expedited review and decision.

Course Information

Course Numbering System

Courses are numbered as follows:

001-099 Remedial courses and courses not appropriate for college degree credit but designed to meet specific needs of individuals or groups where degree credit is not required. Remedial courses are noncredit courses.

100-299 Lower-division courses for first-year and sophomore levels; first-year level 100-199 and sophomore level 200-299.

129, 229, 329, 429 These numbers indicate experimental coursework offered by a department. Experimental courses are designed to offer additional opportunities to explore areas and subjects of special interest and may be repeated for credit if course content is different. Course topics, prerequisites and credits may vary. Some courses require student lab fees. Specific course details will be listed in the course schedule.

194, 394 These numbers indicate coursework offered through the Chapman Study Abroad program. Courses have been approved for credit but do not equate to any regular Chapman courses.

199, 299, 399, 499 Individual study courses.

290, 490 Internship courses.

291, 491 Student-faculty research and creative activity courses.

300-399 Upper-division courses for junior and senior levels. Sophomores may enroll provided they meet prerequisites and restrictions. First-year students are admitted with written consent of instructor and chair of department offering the course.

400-499 Upper-division courses for junior and senior levels. First-year students may not enroll.

500-699 Graduate courses for graduate students and seniors meeting specific guidelines.

700-799 Post-master’s and doctoral courses.

Individually Directed Courses

Individually directed courses cannot be audited.

Reading and Conference Courses
Reading and conference courses are offered only (1) when the course is not being offered in the current term, (2) when necessary for a student to complete degree requirements. The courses are not offered to resolve scheduling conflicts with other classes nor to enable a student to meet financial aid or other eligibility criteria that are based on enrolled credits.

To enroll in reading and conference courses, students must complete a reading and conference form (available online on the Registrar’s Form webpage) and obtain the signatures of the department chair/program director of the unit offering the course and course instructor. After receiving approval, the student must submit the form to the Office of the University Registrar. A minimum of five hours of instruction for each credit is required for reading and conference courses.

Individual Study and Research
Individual study and research is offered to students to research particular topics that are not provided for by regular curriculum offerings.

Students should spend 40 to 50 hours in instruction and research for each credit of individual study.

To enroll in individual study and research, students must complete the individual study and research form (available online on the Registrar’s Forms webpage) and obtain the signatures of the course instructor and the department chair/program director of the academic program offering the course. After receiving approval, the student must submit the form to the Office of the University Registrar.

Student-Faculty Research and Creative Activity
Student-faculty research and creative activity is available to degree-seeking students only. Projects are normally extracurricular, meaning outside of a degree or minor program’s curriculum and requirements and outside of standard course structure. Student-faculty research and creative activity is not intended to replace a capstone in the major or to supply coverage for a gap in the curriculum/degree program.

For more information about student-faculty research and creative activity courses, including information on how to register, please visit the Center for Undergraduate Excellence’s, 291/491 Student-Faculty Research and Creative Activity for Course Credit website.

Course Credit Hour Policy

All Chapman University courses are offered on the basis of credit hours or credits. One credit hour of coursework requires one face-to-face contact hour (note: one contact hour equals 50 minutes) per week between a faculty member and a student and two hours of assigned coursework per week on the part of the student outside of the classroom for a regular semester. The typical three-credit course requires three contact hours per week and six hours of assigned coursework per week or 45 contact hours and 90 hours of assigned coursework for a regular semester (15 weeks including the final exam period). Note that some classes meet beyond the scheduled class times based on the credits listed and that the number of contact hours and assigned coursework in lab courses, individually directed courses, non-traditional media-based courses and travel courses is tailored to the type of course and/or course objectives.

Lab courses are courses that have a strong skill component and typically require a special room, equipment or fieldwork experience for students to utilize to enhance their learning. One credit of a lab course requires a minimum of three contact hours, which may include a minimum of three hours of face-to-face contact hour per week between a faculty member and a student or a combination of face-to-face contact hours and assigned coursework to total three contact hours of engagement per week of instruction for a regular semester.

Individually directed courses provide a more in-depth interaction between student, faculty member and course materials or research project. Since, typically, a student works one-on-one with a faculty member and receives an intensified experience of personalized education, the contact hours and amount of assigned coursework are tailored to the nature of the coursework and may exceed the minimum requirements given below.

Travel courses occur primarily during interterm and summer terms and are courses that occur off-campus such as elsewhere in the United States or abroad. Travel courses are measured in weeks, with each week garnering a maximum of one credit. Each credit requires a minimum of 15 hours of contact or experience and 30 hours of assigned coursework or experience per credit hour. For courses that have two weeks of travel, 15 contact hours are required before and/or after travel.

Online courses are courses that have few or no face-to-face contact hours between a faculty member and a student. Instead, student/faculty contact is mediated by technology, usually through on-line learning management systems. This contact can be either synchronous (happening in real time, for example, a scheduled class online chat or engagement in a virtual classroom setting) or asynchronous (happening at different times, for instance, through an online discussion board). Whether synchronous or asynchronous, a faculty member is expected to provide regular and substantive interaction with the student for a total of 45 hours over the semester for a three-credit course. In an online course, 80% or more of this substantive interaction is provided online. As with traditional courses, there should be a total of 90 hours of additional assigned coursework over the semester for a three-credit course.

Blended courses are courses with both face-to-face contact in a classroom setting and web-mediated contact between a faculty member and a student. Web-mediated contact can be either synchronous (e.g., happening in real time, for example, a scheduled class online chat or regular engagement in a virtual classroom setting) or asynchronous (happening at different times, for instance, through an online discussion board) Whether synchronous or asynchronous, a faculty member is expected to provide regular and substantive interaction with the student for a total of 45 hours over the semester for a three-credit course, which should comprise 30% to 79% of class time. As with traditional courses, there should be a total of 90 hours of additional assigned coursework over the semester/trimester for a three-credit course.

Course Registration


Students may add or drop courses during the add/drop period stated in the academic calendar (see Academic Calendar ) either through their online student center or in person at the Office of the University Registrar, depending upon course requirements or restrictions. Courses dropped during the add/drop period will not appear on the student’s academic transcript.

Students adding a course after the first week of the term must get the instructor’s approval to register for the course.

To add courses after the first week of classes but before the end of the add/drop period, students must use the permission number request form to be able to add a class. For instructions and information, see Permission Number Online Request Guide.

Students need to be aware that they are officially enrolled in a course only if their name appears on the faculty roster provided to the faculty member by the office of the registrar, and the course is listed in their online student center as enrolled.

After the add deadline, students may not attend courses without being officially enrolled in the course.

Administrative Drop

Students who do not attend the first class meeting of a course in which they are registered may be administratively dropped, unless they make arrangements with the instructor prior to the first day of class, or if the class is required per University-wide policy (e.g., MATH 100 or MATH 101 ).

Students should contact the instructor if a possible error has been made regarding an administrative drop.

Students should not assume that they will be administratively dropped for non-attendance from a class they do not wish to be enrolled in and should check their class schedule to ensure they are enrolled in the appropriate classes or that classes they have dropped are no longer on their schedule. It is the responsibility of the student to drop any courses in which they do not want to be enrolled by the appropriate deadlines on the academic calendar to avoid receiving a W or FW notification on their transcript, and by the appropriate deadlines for any Tuition credit granted for which they may be eligible.

Course Audit

No credit is earned from audited classes. A notation of “AU” is assigned to audited classes and is not used in computing the GPA. Course requisites are enforced in the determination of registration eligibility for the course. Audit fees will be assessed. It is strongly recommended that students confer with their advisors prior to officially auditing a course.

No preregistration is allowed for courses taken as audit. The deadline for such a transaction is the same as the add/drop deadline for regular courses for all terms. Registration to audit a course requires instructor consent via Chapman email to

Course requirements such as homework, exams and papers are not graded by the instructor for students who are auditing a course.

Not all courses are eligible to be audited.

Course Load Limitations

During fall and spring semesters: During fall and spring semesters, students may enroll in a maximum of 18 credits.

Enrollment in more than 18 credits up to 21 credits, including coursework concurrently enrolled in at other institutions, requires at least a 3.000 Chapman cumulative GPA and completion of a minimum of 15 credits of graded coursework at Chapman.

A maximum of 21 credits during a fall or spring semester may be taken, including coursework concurrently enrolled at other institutions. Additional tuition is charged for registration in more than 18 credits taken at Chapman.

Probation students: Any student who is currently on Chapman academic probation with a Chapman cumulative GPA of less than 2.00 may enroll in no more than a total of 16 credits per semester at Chapman and concurrently at other institutions. Any student who is currently on Chapman academic probation with a Chapman cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher may enroll in no more than a total of 16 credits per semester at Chapman and concurrently at other institutions.

Provisionally-admitted students: Any student admitted provisionally may enroll in no more than 15 credits in their first semester at Chapman.

During interterm: Students may not be enrolled in more than 4 credits within the 4-week time period of Chapman’s interterm, with the following exceptions:

  1. Students who are taking an interterm course at Chapman of up to 4 credits and are also enrolled in a course at another institution that begins during Chapman’s interterm period but takes place over a minimum of 8 weeks, or
  2. Students enrolled only at another institution with a 4-5 week session in January that offers a single course with a credit value more than 4 credits allowed at Chapman.

It is recommended that any student enrolling at another institution during any period that overlaps with Chapman’s Interterm schedule contact the Office of the University Registrar to ensure that they are not in violation of this policy. Students may email for further information and to ensure that any course they plan to take during any part of Chapman’s Interterm does not violate the credit limit policy and will therefore be able to be transferred.

Students may not petition this policy regarding maximum interterm course load.

During summer terms: There are no course load limitations during summer terms.

Course Load and Concurrent Registration at Another Institution

Any coursework taken at another institution that places a student in an overload status during fall or spring, or during interterm and that is not reported to the Office of the University Registrar may nullify the standard transfer of credit policy. Always contact the Office of the University Registrar regarding concurrent course approval processes prior to enrolling in a course intended for transfer to Chapman.

Registration: Appointment Assignments and Timetable

Currently enrolled students and students returning from an interrupted enrollment are assigned registration times based upon their completed credits as of the last term of attendance at Chapman. Students may register on or after their assigned time via the online student center. Registration is not complete until all charges are paid or arrangements have been made in the Business Office.

New students and students returning to Chapman outside the interrupted enrollment limitations will be assigned online registration appointments following appointments assigned to currently enrolled students.

Continuing undergraduate students are advised that enrollment is closed in summer during the time period of new first-year and transfer registration periods.

Registering for Graduate Courses as Undergraduate

Undergraduate students are allowed to enroll in 500- and 600-level courses according to the following guidelines:

Students in an integrated undergraduate/graduate program should consult the guidelines for the program for any special conditions on enrollment into a graduate course that is part of the integrated program.

Course Changes (Add/Drop, Withdrawal)

Students who officially withdraw from a course between the third and the tenth week of a regular term (see Academic Calendar for interterm and summer deadlines) will receive a non-punitive notation of “W” on their transcripts, indicating the withdrawal. This is a required administrative code and may not be removed from a transcript.

Students cannot withdraw from a course after the tenth week of a regular semester. (See Academic Calendar for interterm and summer deadlines.)

Failure to attend a course does not constitute a withdrawal. It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw officially from a course or all courses. Students who stop attending courses without officially withdrawing will receive a grade of “FW” (failure to withdraw), which is calculated as an “F” grade in a student’s GPA.

Grading Policies

Grade Submission

It is the responsibility of the faculty to submit course grades for their students by the “All Grades Due” posted dates in the Academic Calendar .

Challenging a Grade

Faculty members may change final grades after submission to the Office of the University Registrar only to fix a clerical error. Furthermore, additional work may not be assigned to enable the student to receive a higher grade.

However, a student who believes they have received a grade based on capricious or unprofessional grading may request a Grade Review, which is an explanation of the grade and reconsideration, from the instructor. Students may submit evidence in conjunction with the Grade Review request, and the instructor will consider all evidence submitted. As a professional scholar and educator, the instructor should be able to explain the grading criteria, how the criteria meet the standards of the discipline, and how the student’s grade is derived from these criteria. All Grade Review requests must be submitted to the instructor, in writing, within 30 calendar days from the date the grade was assigned; the instructor has 10 business days to respond in writing to the student’s written request.

If decided unfavorably for the student by the instructor or if the student has received no response from the instructor after 10 business days, the student may request a Grade Review from the department chair/program director (or from the associate dean if the department chair/program director is the instructor of the course). A Grade Review request must be submitted, in writing, to the department chair/program director by the student either (1) within 10 business days of receiving the instructor’s decision, or (2) within 10 business days of the closure of the 10-business-day response period in cases of instructor non-response.

After the department chair/program director notifies the student of their decision in writing, the student may request a Grade Review by the dean of the academic unit provided the following grounds for further review are demonstrated:

Any request for review by the dean must be submitted in writing within 10 business days of the student’s receipt of the decision from the dean’s office. Students should submit their request via Chapman email directly to the dean’s email address. The subject line of the email should state “DEAN GRADE REVIEW REQUEST” and the student’s full name and ID number should be in the body of the email, not the subject line. The student’s email must include the following:

The student will be notified of the decision of the dean in writing within ten (10) days.

After the dean notifies the student of their decision, the student may request a Grade Review by vice provost for undergraduate education only if there is substantive evidence that the grade review process was not followed by the dean in accordance with the grade review policy. A Grade Review by the vice provost for undergraduate education is procedural only and is not an opportunity for another review of the arguments and evidence previously presented by the student.

Any request for review by the vice provost must be submitted within ten (10) business days of the student’s receipt of the decision from the dean’s office. Students should submit their request via Chapman email directly to The subject line of the email should state “VICE PROVOST GRADE REVIEW PROCESS REQUEST” and the student’s full name and ID number should be in the body of the email. The student’s email must include the following:

The vice provost for undergraduate education will notify the student of their decision within ten (10) business days and will remand the Grade Review request back to the dean for reconsideration if substantive evidence that the Grade Review process was not followed by the dean in accordance with the grade review policy is presented.

All references to submissions in writing include submissions via email to the appropriate party. Email is preferable because it provides an electronic record of the request and dates of submission. Students must use their Chapman email account for these submissions. Email through official Chapman accounts is considered an official communication method.

Changing a Grade

Faculty members may change final grades after submission to the Office of University Registrar only for clerical error. Furthermore, additional work may not be assigned to enable the student to receive a higher grade.

Courses Repeated for Higher Grades

Most undergraduate-level courses numbered 100-499 at Chapman may be repeated to improve the grade. The lower grade remains on the record with a notation that the course has been repeated. Only the higher grade and credit are computed in the GPA. “P” grades will be calculated as described in the “Pass/No Pass” section and will be considered the higher grade only in cases where the original grade was “D+” or below. “NP” grades will never be considered as the higher grade and the original grade will remain in effect.

Credit is given only once for a repeated course, except as noted in the course description. It is recommended that a course be repeated as soon as practical if it is to be taken for a higher grade. In exercising this option, an undergraduate student must repeat the course at Chapman University. Repeats will be assessed and Chapman GPA recalculated after grades are posted.

Grades earned at Chapman remain counted in the student’s GPA if the coursework is repeated at another institution.

Grade Points

Grades and corresponding grade points follow:

grade grade points
excellent A
very good B
satisfactory C+
unsatisfactory D+
minimum passing D- 0.7
failing F 0.0
failure to withdraw FW 0.0
pass P
no pass NP
incomplete I
withdraw W
not reported NR
audit AU
satisfactory progress SP

Incomplete Grades

The grade of Incomplete may be assigned by an instructor if a student, through circumstances beyond their control, has not completed a small portion of a course, approximately 30% or less) by the conclusion of the term.

The deadline to resolve the Incomplete is determined by the faculty member and the student and must be specified in Campus Solutions in the Transcript Note tab at the time of original submission of the Incomplete grade. If no deadline is specified, then the deadline for removal of the Incomplete is automatically the end of the exam period for the next full term after the Incomplete was recorded, unless a shorter period of time is specified by the instructor. See table below:

Incomplete Assigned in Fall Must be resolved by end of Spring final exam period and final grade reported
Incomplete Assigned in Interterm Must be resolved by end of Spring final exam period and final grade reported
Incomplete Assigned in Spring Must be resolved by end of Fall final exam period and final grade reported
Incomplete Assigned in Summer Must be resolved by end of Fall final exam period and final grade reported

In certain circumstances in which the student must attend a portion of the class to fulfill the remaining requirements, such as an activity or laboratory-based class, and when the course is not offered every term, at the instructor’s discretion, the deadline for removal of the Incomplete will be the end of the term in which the class is offered again. When a class is not offered within one year of the original class, other arrangements will need to be made by the instructor to allow the student to complete the work.

When issuing an Incomplete grade, instructors must provide the grade the student would have earned by assessing scores on all graded requirements. This grade is determined based upon a zero-point calculation, which factors in all work done to date, and adds in zero points for all missing assignments in the calculation of the final grade. If the agreed upon remaining coursework is not completed in the period allotted, the assessed grade from the zero-point calculation will become the grade of record.

If the instructor determines that the student would receive an “F” grade based upon the zero-point calculation, then an “I” grade is entered as the final grade, with zero credit given and zero points calculated. “I” grades will become “F” or “NP” if the agreed upon coursework is not completed in the period allotted.

Pass/No Pass

Undergraduates may take up to six semester credits per academic year (considered fall through end of summer semesters) on a Pass/No Pass basis, excluding courses offered only on a Pass/No Pass basis.

After initial registration in a course, students can change the grading methodology to ‘P/NP’ through their online student center by the end of the fifth week for fall and spring semesters. (See the Academic Calendar for corresponding dates for interterm and summer semesters. Once a course is graded, students cannot request a change in grading methodology.

A student who satisfactorily completes a “P/NP” course with a “C-” or higher will receive a “P” grade. Credit will be granted. However, no grade points are assigned and the “P” grade is not computed in the GPA.

A grade of “NP” (no pass) will be assigned when the requirements for credit in the course have not been satisfied at the level of “C-” or higher. “NP” grades are given for “D+” and below. No credit is granted, no grade points are assigned and the “NP” is not computed in the GPA.

Transfer and Cumulative GPA Calculation


Internship courses give students the opportunity to earn academic credit while gaining practical work experience, an increased understanding of and exposure to a given career field, opportunities to transform classroom knowledge into “real-world” application, technical skills and more. By successfully completing internships, students become increasingly competitive candidates in the job market. Further information on internships can be found at the Office of Career and Professional Development’s Internship webpage.

Internship Policies

Internship Credits and Hours

Credits per internship range by department from 0.5 to 6 credits. Students must complete 20 hours of internship work for each 0.5 credit registered, or 40 hours for each credit registered. A 3-credit internship requires 120 hours working at the internship site.

Internship courses follow the same course load policies, including interterm course load limits, outlined in the Course Load Policies (see Course Load section above under Course Registration).

Credits Total Hours
0.500 20
1.000 40
1.500 60
2.000 80
2.500 100
3.000 120
3.500 140
4.000 160
4.500 180
5.000 200
5.500 220
6.000 240

Internship Registration

Students who need immediate credit on their records for financial aid purposes or for full-time student status can enroll in an Internship Placeholder Course, INTP 290 Independent Internship (course level first-year/sophomore), or INTP 490 Independent Internship (course level junior/senior), until official course registration is processed. Permission to register in INTP 290/490 can be obtained by contacting the Office of Career and Professional Development. Students must complete the Internship Placeholder Form when enrolling for an Internship Placeholder Course. Placeholder forms can be found on the Internship webpage.

Students should consult the Internship webpage for detailed information on the internship registration process.

Internship Grades

Independent internships are graded by the student’s Faculty Internship Advisor on a Pass/No Pass basis. Seminar internships may be subject to letter grade.

If an internship for a seminar course is not secured by the fifth (5th) week of the term per the Academic Calendar, the student is expected to withdraw from the course, resulting in an automatic W notation on their transcript.

Academic Status: Good Academic Standing, Academic Probation, and Academic Dismissal

All students at Chapman University are considered to be in Good Academic Standing as long as their Chapman grade point average (institutional GPA or semester GPA) remains at or above 2.000. The institutional GPA does not include courses transferred from another institution.

Academic Probation

Any student whose semester or institutional GPA drops below 2.000 will be placed on academic probation.

Students on academic probation may enroll in no more than 16 semester credits each term they are on probation. This 16-credit limit includes credits taken at Chapman and in transfer each semester.

In addition, students on academic probation will be required to consult with their Academic Advisor for guidance and assistance regarding methods to improve their academic status.

Academic Dismissal

If a student’s semester or Chapman (institutional) GPA remains below 2.000 for two consecutive semesters, the student will be subject to academic dismissal from the University. Students who are awarded federal financial aid or Veterans Administration (VA) benefits are advised that academic dismissal carries the cancellation of any federal financial aid or VA benefits.

When a student is academically dismissed from Chapman, there are two options available:

Option #1) If you believe there were extenuating circumstances that prevented you from achieving a 2.0 GPA or above, you may appeal your dismissal status to the Undergraduate Student Standards Committee. To initiate an appeal, the student must:

If your appeal to the Undergraduate Student Standards Committee is denied, you may petition the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education ( to reconsider the dismissal only if:

Option #2) Demonstrate that you can be successful taking college-level course work elsewhere. To do this, you must achieve the following within two academic years from the time of dismissal:

Students seeking to return within two years of dismissal must submit their requests to be reinstated to the Student Standards Committee via the Office of the University Registrar. Verification of enrollment information through an official transcript must accompany the petition for reinstatement. Students who are reinstated may be reconsidered for financial aid at that time; however, reinstatement does not necessarily mean that financial aid will be available for that semester or any future semester.

Students seeking to return after more than two years from the time of dismissal must reapply for admission via the Office of Admission.

All students who return after academic dismissal will be placed in probation status and may enroll in no more than 16 semester credits for the first semester or first year after return. Any student who fails to achieve an institutional GPA of at least 2.000 in the first semester back at Chapman will remain in probation status. Any reinstated student who remains on probation after two consecutive semesters will be permanently dismissed.

Permanent Dismissal

Once a student is permanently dismissed by the Student Standards Committee, the only appeal available is to the Office of the Provost.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

If a student is receiving federal financial aid (including grants, scholarships, work study, and/or loans), federal law requires that financial aid recipients and applicants maintain satisfactory academic progress. Please note that federal requirements for satisfactory academic progress might differ from Chapman’s policies on academic standing as outlined above. The law compels students to maintain specified minimum grade point averages, successfully complete a specific number of credits each term or year and complete their educational objectives within a specific period of time. The law further requires that all terms of college attendance be considered, including terms in which financial aid was not received. Academic records will be evaluated at the end of each spring semester to determine if the standards are achieved. The latest policies can be found on Chapman’s Financial Aid website.

Private loans and scholarships are neither administered by nor managed by Chapman University. Eligibility for private scholarships and loans are determined by the foundation or lender providing the funds.

Credit by Examination Policy

Chapman recognizes the need for educational flexibility and opportunity. The University accepts the use of national standardized and recognized testing instruments to measure knowledge acquired outside the classroom. Credit will be given only for exams that meet Chapman standards. Regarding AP, IB, CLEP and DSST examinations and acceptable minimum scores for approved exams and credit granted see the Office of the University Registrar Transfer Credit and Articulation website.

Advanced Placement (AP)
Credit is awarded for approved AP exams that meet the minimum score requirements. Students must submit an official AP score report to Chapman University for credit consideration.

International Baccalaureate (IB)
Credit is awarded for approved IB exams that meet the minimum score and diploma requirements. Students must submit an official IB score report or diploma transcript to Chapman University for credit consideration.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST)
Credit is awarded for approved CLEP or DSST examinations and may apply toward General Education requirements. Students seeking to fulfill major requirements must have preapproval from the department chair. Elective credit only will be awarded for CLEP general exams. Please refer to the “Regulations Governing Credit by Examination” section of the catalog for additional policies related to earning credit by exam.

Chapman awards credit to students whose score meets the established minimum for approved CLEP and DANTES Subject Examinations. For more information, contact the Office of the University Registrar. Only elective credit will be awarded for CLEP general exams.

Regulations Governing Credit by Examination

General Transfer Credit Policy

General Education (GE) Block Transfer

Completion of the full California State University GE Breadth certification or University of California Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (UC IGETC) certification or an ADT, AA-T, or AS-T degree from a California community college or equivalent GE transfer degree or certification from an out-of-state community college prior to matriculation satisfies all GE areas, except the following:

General Education (GE) Block Transfer from CSU or UC System schools only

Transfer credit is evaluated on a course-by-course basis for general education requirements. Based on total transferable credits, excluding AP, IB, A-Level and dual credit, students transferring to Chapman with 60 or more credits prior to matriculation will satisfy the following GE areas:

Students transferring to Chapman with 30 to 59 credits, excluding AP, IB A-Level and dual credit, prior to matriculation will satisfy the following GE areas:

General Education (GE) First-Year Focus Course (FFC) Requirement Waiver

The First-Year Focus Course (FFC) requirement is waived for students who have transferred in 24 or more credits from another institution of higher education prior to matriculation. Dual credit (AP, IB, A-Level or college-level coursework) completed while in high school is not included; the 24 transferable credits must follow the completion of secondary school.

Students who have attended a four-year institution prior to matriculation at Chapman, and who have taken at that institution a first-year seminar course for a minimum of 3 semester credits that is focused on critical thinking, may request to have this course evaluated to substitute for the FFC requirement. A syllabus of the prior course must be provided. The request for articulation of the course for FFC and the syllabus should be emailed to

International Transfer Credit

Chapman University considers transfer academic credit earned at international institutions that are fully accredited degree-granting institutions recognized by their country’s Ministry of Education. Only courses that meet general transfer credit policy will be accepted. Evaluation of credit is done at the time of admission based on official transcripts.

English Language Courses: Credit is not awarded for coursework in English language instruction abroad.

General Certificate of Education (GCE) A-level credit: Chapman recognizes the British A-Level curriculum as lower-division degree-applicable credit. Two semesters’ worth of credit is awarded per subject for grades “D” and higher and one semester of credit for AS-Advanced Subsidiary. No credit is granted for any grades below a “D” (equivalent to “C” in the United States).

Students must provide their original A-level certificates to have their scores evaluated for credit. Provisional certificates or “statement of provisional results” are not accepted to award credit but may be submitted for unofficial evaluation to determine placement or prerequisites if official certificates are not available prior to the start of the first semester at Chapman. Exam descriptions are required for course equivalency designation.

Chapman recognizes Caribbean Examinations Council CAPE exams. Students must provide their original CAPE certificate to have their scores evaluated for credit.

Chapman does not award credit for the French Baccalaureate.

Military Credit

Military students are awarded 6 credits for a minimum of one year of United States military service terminated under honorable conditions. A certified copy of a DD-214 or DD-295 is required.

Additional transfer credit may be awarded under the following conditions:

Transfer and Cumulative GPA Calculation

Transfer of Credit from Study Abroad Programs Not Affiliated with Chapman University

All study abroad credit taken independently will be considered transfer credit and is subject to the transfer policy described in the current catalog. Students who decide to study abroad during the semester or summer without enrolling in one of Chapman University’s study-abroad programs should be sure to read the information posted on the Office of the University Registrar’s Transfer Credit and Articulation website regarding transfer of credit. Interested students are required to submit forms and information to the Center for Global Education, to the Office of the University Registrar, to the Dean of Students Office and to other campus offices according to the terms outlined by the program. Student applicants must provide the name of the intended university program and the location of the study abroad site and must have courses reviewed for transfer before departure. Depending on previously transferred credits, academic program, completed credits, class level and catalog year, students may not be eligible to earn additional credit in transfer.

International internship credit and independent study credit as part of an independent study abroad program will not be accepted in transfer. Transcripts from overseas institutions and programs must be in English with accompanying credit and grade conversions. If the transcript is in a foreign language, the independent study abroad participant will be responsible for paying a translation-service fee. Students who select programs that are not affiliated with Chapman are subject to a reduction of advising and transfer resources when compared to Chapman supported programs.

Students enrolled in Study Abroad programs not affiliated with Chapman University may not take courses outside of that program during the time they are enrolled. Students may not take courses at Chapman or other institution in the United States at the same time they are enrolled in a Study Abroad program, whether through Chapman or another institution.

Preapproval and Reevaluation of Transfer Credit

Students requesting preapproval or reevaluation of transfer credit should refer to the Office of the University Registrar’s Transfer Credit Policies and Guidelines webpage for detailed information.

Proficiency Exams

Brigham Young University’s Foreign Language Achievement Testing Service (BYU FLATS)
Brigham Young University’s Foreign Language Achievement Testing Service (BYU FLATS) is accepted by Chapman to demonstrate foreign language proficiency. Students wishing to waive out of the Language Study requirement may do so with a passing score at the 201 level of the BYU FLATS. No credit is awarded. Proctoring for these exams is not available at Chapman University. For more information and to find a testing location, please contact BYU FLATS directly.

New York University (NYU) Language Proficiency Test
NYU Language Proficiency Test is accepted by Chapman to demonstrate foreign language proficiency. Students wishing to waive out of the Language Study requirement may do so with a minimum score of 9 points. No credit is awarded. Proctoring for these exams is not available at Chapman University. For more information and to find a testing location, please visit the NYU Proficiency Testing site.

Gallaudet University’s American Sign Language Proficiency Interview
The American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI) is a holistic language evaluation used to determine global ASL proficiency. The basic precept in this type of evaluation is to find out through a face-to-face interview what an individual can do with the target language at a given point in time. The ASLPI is a 20-25 minute video recorded interactive dialogue between the examinee and the interviewer. The interview is rated by a team of evaluators and examinees are awarded an overall proficiency level on a 0-5 rating scale. A score of 2+ or higher on the ASLPI will waive Chapman’s language requirement in the GE program. No credit is awarded.

Chapman Departmental Examinations

Subject matter examinations developed by academic departments at Chapman to measure achievement in specific areas are available for some courses through the online testing. Information is provided by the Academic Advising Center or the department offering the tests. Proficiency in subject matter can be used to meet prerequisites or waive specific course requirements. No credit is awarded.

Academic Petition Process

Academic Petitions

Chapman University is sensitive to the educational advantages of a flexible curriculum but is also conscious of a responsibility to ensure equity for all students. Permission to deviate from published regulations is neither automatic nor done as a formality; each request is considered on its own merits and considering the petitioner’s complete academic record. Internal guidelines have been established to help faculty councils and committee members who review student petition requests with their deliberations on individual cases. These guidelines are not intended in any way to discourage or encourage someone to seek exception to University regulations, nor should it be inferred that these guidelines mean automatic approval of a petition request.

The Faculty Undergraduate Academic Council is responsible for creating academic policies and procedures within the University. The Faculty Student Standards Committee and the General Education Committee report to the Undergraduate Academic Council.

A student’s petition to deviate from general university policies is submitted to the Office of the University Registrar via an Undergraduate Petition form. These forms may be secured online on the University Registrar’s Forms webpage. Initial petition review is by the Student Standards Petitions sub-committee. Petitions requiring further review are sent to the appropriate review authority, as follows:

Undergraduate Academic Council:

Student Standards Committee:

General Education Committee:

The decisions on petitions/requests made by the above units are recorded in the student’s record.

The following policies may not be petitioned by students:

Appeals Process

Students may appeal a decision of the Undergraduate Academic Council, General Education Committee or Student Standards Committee; however, an appeal is not an opportunity for another review of the arguments and evidence previously presented by the student to the faculty on the relevant council or committees. To file an appeal, the student must provide documented evidence demonstrating one or both grounds for appeal:

Students who wish to appeal a decision of the Undergraduate Academic Council, General Education Committee or Student Standards Committee must submit a written appeal within 10 working days of the date they are notified of the decision of the presiding council or committee. The written appeal must include the following:

The appeal and accompanying documents submitted to the Office of the University Registrar will be forwarded to the Office of the Provost and will not be returned to the student.

Students submitting appeals may request to meet with the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education to discuss their appeals. This meeting should normally occur within five working days of submission of the materials described above. The Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education will consult with the presiding council or committee, and any other relevant parties, in reviewing the appeal.

Students will be notified of the decision by the Office of the Provost in writing. The decision of the Office of the Provost on the student academic appeals is final and there is no additional process of appeal.

Graduation Policies

Application for Degree Conferral

Although a student may have completed all requirements, graduation is not automatic. Every degree candidate is required to submit the online Application for Degree Conferral with the Office of the University Registrar. Students can apply for degree conferral after they have completed 90 credits. This does not include in-progress coursework.

If the student should fail to complete requirements by the intended graduation date, the student must immediately request a future graduation date. If a student fails to complete requirements and has not requested the application be moved to a future date, the Office of the University Registrar will move the intended graduation date to the next conferral period.

The Office of the University Registrar will assess the candidates’ eligibility for degree conferral. The official conferral date will be the end of the semester in which all degree requirements have been met. Candidates for degree conferral must submit their application to the Office of the University Registrar by the deadline on their conferral date.

Submission of the application is done through the student’s online student center. For information on how to submit the application and application deadlines, refer to the University Registrar’s Application for Degree Conferral Deadlines website. All degree requirements must be completed and all courses taken must be assigned a final grade by the last day of the month in which the degree is to be conferred. Work completed at external institutions must be received on or before the conferral date to meet degree requirements.


Formal University commencement ceremonies are held annually in May. To participate in ceremonies, students must RSVP online. To be eligible, at the time of the participation form deadline, students must have filed the online Application for Degree Conferral. For further commencement event information visit the Chapman Commencement webpage.

Release of Transcripts and Diplomas

No diplomas are released to any student who has an unpaid balance to Chapman University, or to any Chapman sponsored agency, or if the student has not completed the required Financial Aid exit interview.

Diplomas are mailed out approximately four to six weeks after the date of conferral of the degree. Under no circumstances will a diploma be released prior to the conferral date.

Unless otherwise allowed by Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations, all official transcripts are issued only with written permission of the student. Students may find information on requesting official transcripts on the University Registrar’s Student Services Ordering Official Transcripts webpage. Current students may obtain an unofficial transcript through their online student center.

Student Responsibility

It is the responsibility of each graduating student to refer to their program evaluation in their student center to check which requirements have been completed and which requirements still need to be completed. A student may not shift this responsibility to an adviser or to the staff of the Office of the University Registrar. It is recommended that students check their program evaluation regularly. Checking the program evaluation after registration will ensure that the courses for which the student has just registered meet the needed requirements for graduation. Questions regarding the program evaluation should always be referred to the Office of the University Registrar.

Academic Honors

Cheverton Trophy
A gift of the class of 1929, the Cheverton Trophy displays the name of the graduating senior who has earned at Chapman at least 48 credits, has a cumulative GPA of at least 3.750, has made outstanding contributions to student activities, exhibits leadership skills and best represents the spirit of Chapman. The trophy remains on permanent display at the University.

Departmental Honors
Students who achieve outstanding performance in their major are eligible for consideration for departmental honors. Inquire at the department or school about their particular requirements.

Graduating with Honors
A student with superior academic achievement throughout their University career may be graduated with University honors. To be eligible for honors, the student must have a Chapman GPA and cumulative GPA, including all transfer work, at or above the specific honors criterion. A minimum of 54 credits must be Chapman coursework and taken for letter grades. Categories of honors are cum laude (3.500 GPA), magna cum laude (3.700 GPA) and summa cum laude (3.900 GPA). Continuing education courses will not be counted for residence credit. For notation of honors at the May commencement ceremony, a student must have all degree requirements completed or pending for May conferral date, including a minimum of 54 letter-graded Chapman credits.

Provost List
Published at the end of each semester, the Provost List includes the names of all full-time students who maintain a 3.800 GPA or higher in at least 12 credits of residence coursework taken for a letter grade. This excludes continuing education and courses by examination. Assigned Incompletes must have grades recorded within 30 days after the end of the semester to be considered for the Provost List.

Deans’ List
Published at the end of each semester, the Deans’ List includes the names of all full-time students who maintain a 3.600 - 3.799 GPA in at least 12 credits of residence coursework taken for a letter grade. This excludes continuing education and courses by examination. Assigned Incompletes must have grades recorded within 30 days after the end of the semester to be considered for the Deans’ List.

Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Beta Kappa recognizes and honors exceptional academic achievement in the arts and sciences. It is a mark of outstanding personal achievement and an honor conferred upon fewer than ten percent of each graduating class. Students do not apply for membership. They are selected during the spring semester each year by the Phi Beta Kappa chapter after a careful review of the academic records of each eligible candidate. More information can be found at the Chapman Psi Chapter of California webpage.

University Honors Program
See the University Honors Program section of the catalog for information on the University Honors Program.

Reserve Officers Training Corps, Air Force and Army

Undergraduates and graduate students can participate in ROTC. Chapman has agreements for Army ROTC with California State University, Fullerton and Air Force ROTC with California State University San Bernardino and University of Southern California (USC). Please contact the Director of the Veterans Resource Center for information on the programs at 714-516-5776 or

Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps (AFROTC)

AFROTC is a nationwide program that allows students to pursue commissions (become officers) in the United States Air Force (USAF) while simultaneously attending college. AFROTC classes are held on college campuses throughout the United States and Puerto Rico; students can register through normal course registration processes. AFROTC consists of four years of Aerospace Studies classes (Foundations of the USAF, Evolution of USAF and Space Power, Air Force Leadership Studies, and National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty), and a corresponding Leadership Laboratory for each year (where students apply leadership skills, demonstrate command and effective communication, develop physical fitness, and practice military customs and courtesies). College students enrolled in the AFROTC program (known as “cadets”) who successfully complete both AFROTC training and college degree requirements will graduate and simultaneously commission as Second Lieutenants in the Active Duty Air Force. The AFROTC program is currently offered at California State University, San Bernardino, but they have a crosstown agreement that allows our students to enroll in AFROTC and become full-fledged cadet participants. For more information on the AFROTC program, please review the California State University San Bernardino’s Air Force ROTC webpage, and visit the AFROTC Cadet Courses website for information about courses.

Through arrangements with California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB), and the University of Southern California (USC), students may participate in the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) Program. Aerospace studies classes and leadership laboratories are conducted at various times during the week on the main campuses of CSUSB and USC.

AFROTC offers a variety of two-, three- and four-year scholarships, many of which pay the full cost of tuition, books and fees. Successful completion of as little as six (three years) semesters of AFROTC academic classes and leadership laboratories can lead to a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force.

Classes consist of one hour of academics and two hours of laboratory for first-year students and sophomores and three hours of academics and two hours of laboratory for juniors and seniors. All cadets must participate in two one-hour sessions of physical training. All curriculum is taught on Fridays. AFROTC cadets under scholarship and all juniors and seniors receive a monthly tax-free stipend and a textbook allowance. No military commitment is incurred until entering the last two years of the program (Professional Officer Course) or accepting an AFROTC scholarship.

For more information, contact the Department of Aerospace Studies (AFROTC) at one of the following universities: CSUSB at (909) 537-5195, email, or visit the AFROTC at CSUSB; USC at (323) 455-4995, email at or visit the AFROTC at USC’s Price School.

Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (AROTC)

The California State University, Fullerton Army ROTC is a program designed to train and develop college students to become motivated U.S. Army leaders. ROTC provides students with the opportunity to gain a college degree while at the same time training to enter the army as a commissioned officer. Cal State Fullerton ROTC offers two-, three- and four-year scholarships for qualified students to help provide financial assistance at Chapman University. For more information about eligibility requirements, scholarship opportunities and the overall program, please contact the Cal State Fullerton ROTC at (657) 278-3527 or email the Department of Military Science, or visit the College of Health and Human Development’s Military Science webpage.

Undergraduate Degree Requirements

Please go to the Undergraduate Degree Requirements section in this catalog for information on degree and graduation requirements.